Horizon by
Sophie Littlefield
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
*If you haven't read Books 1&2, there may be spoilers for the in this review*
5 Stars! This is the third, and possibly the most terrifying and gritty, of the Aftertime trilogy. The world Littlefield created is a very scary, believable one. Her characters are raw, tainted, and real.
Horizon starts off a few months after Rebirth ends. Cass is living in a place called New Eden with her daughter. Smoke, Cass's lover, is there as well, but still seriously injured from events that took place in the previous book. Dor is living there with his daughter. New Eden seems like an ideal place to for the survivors. So why would they pack up and leave? The reason is actually much more frightening than the back blurb suggests.
This book kept me up well past my bedtime. There were so many twists and turns I had to remember to breath. The beaters were even more awful and much smarter as they begin to learn. As a reader I found myself really wanting Cass to make the right decisions. I rooted for her, ached for her, and even cringed at times for her.
There were many reveals in this installment. Even one that had me scratching my head, thinking it just was not plausible. Yet, after reading further, I realized just what an amazing weaver of words Littlefield is, to be able to make that part of the story work. The ending was a complete shock. I knew it had to go one way or another, yet I was still surprised. Littlefield wrapped up many issues that were ongoing from the previous books. Best book in the series!
An absolutely amazing read! Very highly recommended!!
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